
Cat Breeds

Explore the Diversity of Our Cat Breeds

Persian Kitten

The Persian cat, a breed with roots dating back to ancient Persia and Iran, has captivated hearts for centuries. Renowned for their luxurious coats, gentle nature, and captivating eyes, Persian cats have consistently held the title of the most popular pedigreed cat breed.

Exotic Shorthair

The Exotic Shorthair is a gentle friendly cat that has the same personality as the Persian. They love having fun, don’t mind the company of other cats and dogs, also love to curl up for a sleep in a safe place. Exotics love their own people, but around strangers they are cautious at first. Given time, they usually warm up to visitors.

Bengal Cat

Bengals are a lot of fun to live with, but they're definitely not the cat for everyone, or for first-time cat owners. Extremely intelligent, curious and active, they demand a lot of interaction and woe betide the owner who doesn't provide it.

Mainecoon Cat

They are known for their size and luxurious long coat Maine Coons are considered a gentle giant. The good-natured and affable Maine Coon adapts well to many lifestyles and personalities. She likes being with people and has the habit of following them around, but isn’t needy. Most Maine Coons love water and they can be quite good swimmers

Ragdoll Cat

Ragdolls love their people, greeting them at the door, following them around the house, and leaping into a lap or snuggling in bed whenever given the chance. They are the epitome of a lap cat, enjoy being carried and collapsing into the arms of anyone who holds them.

Persian Blue Eyes

The Persian cat is known and loved for its very sweet, gentle, calm disposition. Though Persian cats are quite friendly, they require gentle handling, which means no roughhousing or grabbing from young children. They get along great with kind, respectful kids, but would rather be stroked and admired than engage in strenuous activities.

Extreme Punch

They might have a grumpy looking face, but make no mistake, the Persian Extreme Punch is as sweet and easy going as it can get. The fancy felines are loving and charming creatures that would get along with the entire family if introduced to them as kittens. But beauty is not always effortless, so they do require extra attention

Russian Blue Cat

Russian Blues are very loving and reserved. They do not like noisy households but they do like to play and can be quite active when outdoors. They bond very closely with their owner and are known to be compatible with other pets.

Siberian Cat

The Siberians dog like temperament and affection makes the ideal lap cat and will live quite happily indoors. Very agile and powerful, the Siberian cat can easily leap and reach high places, including the tops of refrigerators and even doors.

British Shorthair Cat

The British Shorthair is a very pleasant cat to have as a companion, ans is easy going and placid. The British is a fiercely loyal, loving cat and will attach herself to every one of her family members. While loving to play, she doesn't need hourly attention. If she is in the mood to play, she will find someone and bring a toy to that person. The British also plays well by herself, and thus is a good companion for single people.

Himalayan Cat

Calm and devoted, Himalayans make excellent companions, though they prefer a quieter home. They are playful in a sedate kind of way and enjoy having an assortment of toys. The Himalayan will stretch out next to you, sleep in your bed and even sit on your lap when she is in the mood.

Bombay Cat

The the golden eyes and the shiny black coa of the Bopmbay is absolutely striking. Likely to bond most with one family member, the Bombay will follow you from room to room and will almost always have something to say about what you are doing, loving attention and to be carried around, often on his caregiver's shoulder.

Siamese Cat

While Siamese cats are extremely fond of their people, they will follow you around and supervise your every move, being talkative and opinionated. They are a demanding and social cat, that do not like being left alone for long periods.

Ragamuffin Cat

The Ragamuffin is calm, even tempered and gets along well with all family members. Changes in routine generally do not upset her. She is an ideal companion for those in apartments, and with children due to her patient nature.

Chinchilla Cat

The Chinchilla is a large breed of cat with a luxurious long coat that is tipped with silver or gold. Chinchillas were developed to create a silver Persian, and have similar features to the Persian, only softer.

Calico Cat

A calico is a domestic cat with a coat pattern that consists of a white base (25-70%) with patches of red and black, red and grey or red and brown. Calicos are not a cat breed, the word calico refers to the coat colour only, and occurs in both random-bred and some purebred cats.